
Kai-matutsi is a Pomo Native Amercan word, it is used to describe spirits that lived on the Earth and below. The word associated is with 'earth occupation.'

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Possible Locations currently for sale.

I'm trying to get in touch with the agent, does anyone want to go walk the property?
Click here to view the property.

Know of any other land, would prefer 100+ acres to be truly sustainable?
Let me Know.

Why the world has to change, and why you're not going to like it.

Why the world has to change, and why you're not going to like it.
a prediction on sustainability, global economy and the fight for peace and permaculture.
by Jeffery "WoundedWolf" Towery the lazy Prophet of Ganja
excuse the horrible grammer.
This is an effort to educate, and make a plea for help, guideance, assistance and maybe a little luck. 

I've been working on acquiring a home for the past couple of years.  This isn't your traditional home, it's a home based on lots of research, conversation, study and thought.
A sustainable home, one utilizing the Earth as it's body, the sun and wind as it's energy source, and the natural cycles of nature as it's power supply.
But also a smart home, one that not only will last the test of time, but also adapt to changing technology.
In a wireless age, why leave your land?
Buy a 100 or so acres and build a communal home with close family and friends.
Not as easy as it sounds.

From the research and conversations I've been doing I've discovered what a lot of other people have, that with the accent of modern technology, you can live completely off the grid, carbon neutral, and even be a positive influence on the environment.
Taking tried and true ancient technology, and putting it to work alongside modern technology, like solar, wind, hydrogen, and composting organic matter and sewage to be utilized as fertilizer. These are now Clean technologies. 
Super Adobe Construction CalEarth.org

Where I live in northern California, a state most would think progressive, I'm being daunghted in my plans for living my dream.  Because of Zoning, and construction requirements, sustainable and organic living is difficult to achieve.  I get the overall feel that they want you to stay on the grid. It's a form of control.  It keeps the system operating. It's not good or bad, it simply IS.

Now I don't want to come off as sounding all "Revolutionary" that's not my objective. I'm just trying to point out that it's the way the "system" currently operates. If you create a sustainable living environment on a local basis, communities cooperating to make their towns, their tribes, more self sustainable,

You generate less excess money.

It's that simple.  

You would still be paying taxes on your land, and insurance costs, sales taxes on things sold and bought using "money" instead of trade goods and services. but other than maybe an internet feed, you wouldn't need much else from the outside.  The more locally sustainable, the less there is to feed off of in the "big machine" that is our economic system.

Of course there will always be those people who have to acquire "Stuff", live in big cities and be intermeshed with technology and the metal and concrete.  Those societies have to "take something away" unless they were designed to be green from the ground up.  
That's why it's a long road ahead for me to find and build my home.  People like paying their $19.95, (my personal theory, that if you got even half of a percent of the US to pay you $19.95 for something, anything, a snickerdoodle, you'd be a millionaire instantly. ) The System needs those impulsive shoppers, the ones that fill their lives with meaningless objects out of a need to fit in. instead of building a home, farming the land, learning to sew.  Why do you think there are so many drug addiccts, and criminals. They don't have anything better to do. And the love of money.... well you know that one.

They could be teaching children, helping with agriculture, Living their lives and improving themselves. I'm not discounting the influence of the "techies", we wouldn't have solar power, or have the analysis of clean energy we have now, we needed them to acquire our "understanding", we did it the hard and fast way, and that comes at a price.  
They will be the people that take us to other planets, the irony is the first settlers of other worlds will most likely be people just like me.  "Space Hippies" comes to mind.  The "techies" will always have to be supported by a system. That's what government is for. To shuffle around the burdens so it's fair.  well it hasn't been fair now for anybody for a very long time. we should think about that. And maybe do something about it. (I think Gene Rodenberry the creator of "Star Trek, gave us an amazing dream, and no roadmap to get there! but that's another story)

I know it sounds a bit like I'm taking a page out of "Ecotopia" or "Karl Marx" and maybe I am. But between Babylon and China they're must be a happy medium, a balance, I think we're so close now.  But I do think that because there are so many people, too many people in fact, that something has to change.  Nature seems to have an amazing "self correcting mechanism".  The Native Americans are right, if we had kept up the natural path, we eventually would have evolved into something wonderful, but we took a side-road.

Now is the time to correct that, and I think it's our last chance.  "When the world speeds up, you slow down" is an old Native American Proverb, I think we need to slow down, and really think about where we want to go in the very near future.  2012 is coming, and I have a funny feeling that our decisions right now will decide how the next Age will be.  And the future doesn't need us to go on, so we better start working with nature, instead of fighting our only salvation.

If you'd like to get involved with my dream, please feel free to contact me.  If you are the owner of property in west sonoma county who would be willing to let a group of people develop a home on your property using natural architecture, and perma-culture off the grid living, Please contact me.  And if you would be willing to donate time or money to allow us to get a loan and or grant for this project, please cottact me.  And if you want to live on the land and help in it's development, please contact me.

I'm open to any and all help and/or suggestions.

why must living so simply, suddenly be so complicated?

and no, I'm not planning to start a revolution, just inspiring a moment of thought. and help from the universe ;)

Thank you, and peace. Find your happiness within yourself.