
Kai-matutsi is a Pomo Native Amercan word, it is used to describe spirits that lived on the Earth and below. The word associated is with 'earth occupation.'

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Anybody want to build an ecotopian village on the river. I'm seriously considering getting together a co-op and some land and building a Super-Adobe bagged earth community. Now all I need is someone to buy us some land... Any rich hippies interested?

Seriously though.
the brilliance of bagged earth adobe, you don't even need carpentry skills to do the bulk of the work, just lots of dirt and lots of sandbags! 3-4 people can build a 400-800 square foot home (depending on their motivation) in about a month, at a cost of roughly $10 per square feet, and you can incorporate in recycled materials, and own your own home for under $80,000, the more people involved in the project, the more homes can be built for less cost. if you don't hire anyone and do it all yourself it could end up costing less than $10,000 per unit. We could build a hobbit village in less than a year and be fully self sustainable, not to mention the tourist money....
this is a serious inquiry, and I'm looking for as many people as possible, as well as about 20-40 acres of land.

here's a good website to explain it all for those that are interested. we could do this, it just takes determination.

PS they're earthquake, hurricane, and bullet proof, and since they are adobe dome structures they are the safest an strongest permanent structure you can build, if built properly they will last an excess of oh maybe 1000 years!

Guerneville needs a new direction, and I want to facilitate that and create a self sustainable community in one of the most beautiful places on earth.

If you are seriously interested, or know someone with some investment capitol, please contact me via FB email, or SisterDawna@gmail.com

Let's make a dream come true, and take back our lives and our livelihoods!

1 comment:

  1. What a beautiful idea Jeffery! if i were living there I would create a hobbit village with you asap. Guerneville does need a new direction or it will keep spiraling into purgatory and there is so much that could grow there. Will spread the word.
